The Magnificent Healing Power Of Manuka Honey
I learnt of the power of this honey when my husband had a skin cancer removed from his back. Because of some botched work done by the person who had done the operation, infection had set into his back. But by the application of Manuka Honey on a gauze to the effected area healing was swift and complete.
Manuka honey’s antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties are unparralled.
Manuka honey is packaged with a Unique Manuka Factor(UMF) label. A rating of at least 10 is ideal for medical use honey. The higher the UMF, the stronger the antibacterial potency of the honey. The most ideal UMF ranges between 10 and 18.
Why Manuka Honey?
Honey has been known for its healing properties for thousands of years. The Ancient Greeks and Egyptians used it and so have many other cultures through the ages. Even up to the second world war, honey was being used for its antibacterial properties in treating wounds. With the advent of penicillin and other antibiotic drugs in the twentieth century, doctors and other medical professionals were under the misconception that medicine was more effective than honey. However, recent case studies have indicated that certain types of honey (such as Active Manuka Honey) have been more effective in treating certain ailments, even more so than antibiotics. In all kinds of honey, hydrogen peroxide is produced from an enzyme that bees add to the nectar. It has been discovered that Manuka Honey seems to have the most healing properties due to plant-derived components.
Active Manuka Honey has been considered a remedy for many health conditions since ancient times. Manuka Honey contains non-peroxide antibacterial agents which can inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause slow healing wounds
Taken orally Manuka Honey has been used for the internal treatment of the following:
- Duodenal Ulcer – Bisul pada bahagian terkecil dari usus
- Gastritis – Radang perut
- Upset Stomach – Perut kurang selesa
- Stomach Ulcer – Bisul pada perut
- Ulcerative Colitis – Radang usus besar
- Colds - Selsema
- Sore Throats – Sakit Kerongkong
- Diarrhoea – Diare/Cirit-birit
- Indigestion – Masalah penghadaman
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Pembuangan yang tak selesa/pedih
To deal with the above symptoms you simply need to take one teaspoon of Manuka honey on a cracker or a piece of toast three to four times a day until recovered.
Applied to the outside of the body Manuka Honey has been used to treat the following:
- Old and new infected War Wounds - Luka
- Fresh operational Scars – Bekas operation atau jahitan
- Wounds – Luka kecil atau besar
- Ulcers - Bisul
- Bed Sores – Sakit atau pedih kepada pesakit yang terbaring
- Pressure Sores –Sakit/pedih di bahagian luar badan
- Amputation Stump – tunggul atau ketumbuhan selepas pembedahan
- Scars – Bekas luka atau calar
- Sores – Sakit atau sengal
- Ringworms - Kurap
- Athlete’s Foot –Tumit Kaki yang pecah, atau celah kaki yang gatal/masaalah
- Itch – Gatal-gatal
- Burns - Terbakar
- Insect bites – Gigitan serangga
- Acne - Jerawat
- Eczema – Eksema / alahan
- Psoriasis – Penyakit kulit yang kronik
Simply apply Manuka honey to a sterile gauze pad and place it over the affected area – change the bandage twice a day.
Experience the magnificent healing power of Manuka Honey today – and keep a jar on hand and ready for the health of your family.
VIDEO ABOUT Manuka Honey on the Dr. Oz Show
Video About Royal Jelly
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And thy Lord taught the Bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in (men's) habitations; (68) Then to eat of all the produce (of the earth), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for men: verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought. (69)